Why do people like watching horror films?

The basic theme of the Uses and Gratification theory is the idea that people use the media to get specific gratification. The theory states that all media is constructed in order to fulfil the needs of the audience.

This is an opposition to the Hypodermic Needle model that claims consumers have no say in how the media influences them.

To get an idea on why people get gratification from watching horror movies, I interviewed a few of my friends:

Interviewee no.1: Hannah

Why do you like horror films?
"I like them because most of the time they're just so unrealistic, they're funny. The scariness kind of disappears because you just know it's impossible for something like that to happen."

What horror movies do you like best?
The Purge series and The Sixth Sense

What horror genres attract to you the most?
Psychological and Supernatural

Interviewee no.2: Broghan
Why do you like horror films?
"I love the detail and storylines [that aren't cliché and are well thought out], and I love gore."

What horror movies do you like the best?
Dolls, Misery, and IT

What horror genres attract to you the most?

Interviewee no.3: James

Why do you like horror films?
"I love them because they are so obscene and out there. Also, being afraid is fun."

What horror movies do you like best?
Evil Dead 2

What horror genres attract to you the most?
Supernatural and Slasher

So, why do people like horror films?
  • For the adrenaline rush? James said "being afraid is fun." People choose their entertainment because they want it to affect them. There would be no point in going to the cinema, and pay all that money, to go see a movie that would have no effect on you whatsoever.
  • Because storylines that occur in horror aren't normal - they don't happen in everyday life. They are so unrealistic, they are comedic - thus allowing the audience to control their reaction and psychological distance with the horror portrayed in the film.
  • Because of the notion of catharsis - in that we watch frightening horror films as a way of purging negative emotions and as a way of relieving pent up aggression.
  • Because of the concept of vicarious experience - in which the events that are happing in the film i.e. a character being chased by a villain are experienced in the imagination of the audience through the feelings or actions of another person.
  • For escapism - people watch horror films to delve into a world of hyper-reality so they can temporarily escape their problems in real life.
  • Because murder is interesting - personally, this is why I enjoy watching horror movies. I'm very much interested in the psychology aspect; I want to know why the killer kills, I want to know why the killer feels the way they do - or doesn't feel.
  • For a sense of relief - when people watch horror movies they may feel secure and safe knowing they are not the ones being killed by a serial killer.
  • Because of the attractive cast - there's sometimes a sexual element connected to horror films.


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